The Refugee guide

Step 1 - Application for asylum

Asylum seekers arriving in Germany must report to the immigration authority, the police, reception facility or arrival centre a federal Office. This can happen upon arrival or immediately thereafter. Do this as soon as you reach the border or later within the country. If you do not register, you will be residing in Germany illegally and run the risk of being deported.

  • Individuals who report as asylum-seekers in Germany are registered. You will have to provide your personal details when you register, which are your name, country of origin, date of birth, religion, language and ethnicity. Your Photograph and fingerprints will also be taken, when you apply for asylum. Children under the age of 14 are exempted.
  • The data collected upon registration is entered in the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR) by the Federal Office when an asylum application is made. The AZR contains information about all foreigners who reside in Germany and is shared by all immigration authorities.
  • The authority sends asylum-seekers on to the closest initial reception centre.
  • The officials there will refer you to accommodation in a nearby reception centre where you will be taken care of and given the first pieces of information you need on the asylum procedure in Germany.
  • You will receive a proof of arrival ("Ankunftsnachweis") at the Federal office or reception centre which is responsible for you. On registration, you receive a certificate of registration as an asylum seeker ("Anlaufbescheinigung") with which you will be allowed to receive asylum applicant benefits such as food, drink, accommodation, clothing and health items and also receive some pocket money for your own basic needs.
  • At the branch office of the Federal Office or at an arrival centre, you will then file a personal application for asylum. An interpreter will be provided to assist you in understanding your rights and duties within the asylum procedure. Information is provided to you in your native language.
  • You will be taken back to your reception centre ("Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung") after filing your application for asylum.
  • After the application has been filed, you will be granted permission to reside legally in Germany (Aufenthaltsgestattung). This permission is however restricted to the district in which the responsible reception facility is located.
  • The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ("Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge", BAMF) will invite you to a second appointment - the personal hearing ("persönliche Anhörung").
  • It is important to note that the "Dublin regulation" applies for applicants in Germany. This is a treaty which was signed by EU member states as well as Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The aim of the regulation is to establish the country which is responsible for your application. It the authorities find out that you should have made the application in another country, they shall request your transfer to that country.
  • The next step for you now is to prepare for the interview



This website was developed within the framework of "KOMM-AN NRW" funded by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Ministry of Labor, Integration and Social Affairs NRW).

Ce site Web a été développé dans le cadre de "KOMM-AN NRW" financé par l'état de Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie (Ministère du Travail, de l'Intégration et des Affaires sociales NRW).

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